des moines, iowa and beyond

workflow & systems strategist

Your Business Systems: Seeing the big picture to save time & money!

Business, Systems & Workflows

When we are so focused on our day-to-day tasks in business, it makes it hard to see the big picture. It’s so important to make sure we’re seeing the big picture to save time & money! If we don’t zoom out, we are sure to miss opportunities!

Have you ever gotten to the end of the year, started dreaming and scheming for next year only to feel like you’re lost? Maybe even overwhelmed with a spider web of expenses, tasks and ideas? Me too. 

Once I mapped out my business system and elements, I was able to start clearly seeing the big picture to save time & money more easily! 

If we don’t know what we’re doing and why, it’s hard to make informed decisions to keep the needle moving forward.

Your two primary resources are time and money. Both of those are directly affected by the systems you use. I’m not only talking about the benefits you’ll see in both of those areas, but making sure you’re not creating roadblocks or stewarding those resources poorly.

When we look at our complete business system, we can see where there is overlap in functionality and/or expense. The name of the game is efficiency, right?

So how do we do that? Use this straightforward 4 step mapping process:  

  1. Take Inventory: Write down everything you use in business – technology, tools, notes. All of it.
  2. Map your systems: Put it all in one place so you can truly see everything easily. (Looking for more details and help with this? I created a resource with all the deets just for you in the shop — Check out our “Building a System Map” e-book & template here!!)
  3. Assess: Using those first two pieces, get honest about what is missing or what is excess. The majority of the time, you have at least one of each thing. 
  4. Take Action: Decide what you need to fill the gaps and the when/how of addressing it. 

Even though this is a simple exercise, don’t underestimate its power. We could all use more time and money so we have the freedom to spend those resources the way we want to! 

Don’t miss the “Building a System Map for Your Creative Business” e-book and template in the HHC Shop!!



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