des moines, iowa and beyond

workflow & systems strategist

Confetti & New Beginnings


Oh happy day, lovelies! Cue the confetti and welcome to our new blog!

This day has been a long time in the making, along with our new website that launched last month. When I started HHE last year, there were so many dreams I had (and still do) for this little piece of my heart. So many have come true, thanks to you and there are many more to experience in the coming years.


When the time came to dig deep into who I am as a business owner, creative, planner, designer and dreamer, I realized that the blog needed to speak more to my heart as well. If you’ve followed for a while, you know that it started as a place to chronicle recipes, crafts and what I thought would be encouraging. I had no real direction. Once HHE launched, posts slowly started to be more wedding focused and business oriented, but it wasn’t a true reflection of how I want to hug each of you through the blog.

I will never claim to be a wonderful writer or storyteller through words, but I do enjoy writing for y’all. I prefer to visually tell a story, to create something that evokes feelings of love and happiness when you look at it. However, I want that feeling to reach those of you I’m not privileged enough to meet and work with in person. So, there will be a few changes to le blog. Yay!

We firmly believe in love stories and a HUGE part of that is the marriage and life you build after your wedding day. With that in mind, we are going to be sharing more rounded content, including quick and easy workouts, date night ideas, recipes for family gatherings, occasional décor ideas and a few other surprises. Don’t worry though, these are all in addition to wedding inspiration, trend watches, shop talk (for you boss ladies out there) and tips for planning and building your life together.


In order to do this as seamlessly as possible, we are starting fresh. Our archives will still remain intact, over here. So feel free to jump on over and read through them. There is some pretty good stuff.

Even though we have an idea of a direction and content centered on our why and mission to help you keep your love story at the center of not only your wedding, but your life, we’d love to hear from you! What do YOU want to see and read?



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