des moines, iowa and beyond

workflow & systems strategist

My first 3 Tips for How to “Do it All”


This is supposed to my year of simplicity, no? Yet, somehow in the pursuit of that, I have been dreaming up LOTS of things. Giving yourself white space and letting your mind wander can do that! In the midst of that quiet reflection and billboard God moments, I have somehow communicated (unintentionally) that I am able to “do it all” and do it well. Sweet friends, I am humbled by that, but it is not my reality. In an effort to be more transparent and open with you, I have decided to start a new series on the blog. One that shares lessons I have learned, the perspectives of others and is a beacon of encouragement on our low days. Welcome, sweet friend! Now, let’s talk about my first three tips on how to do it all, shall we?

Last year when we found out we were expecting, I had to get really serious about what “doing it all” would look like for our family and how I would go about maximizing my time. I’m glad that it looks like I can do #allthethings from the outside looking in. It must because I get asked how I do it a lot. Like weekly. But darlings, let me tell you, I do not feel like I have it even one iota “all” together. Despite my feeling less than more often than I care to admit, I have learned a lot of tools and systems that work for me and our family that I’d love to share with you. Before we delve into that, I want to start with mindset tips.

Half the battle for our calendars, hearts and time starts in our minds. We set expectations on ourselves, let the comparison game dictate far too many of our actions and talk ourselves out of progress before we even start. Sound familiar? Me too, girl. In order to combat that, let me share what has been working for me.

  1. Breathe. Take a moment to calm yourself and refocus.
  2. Accept and KNOW that you are enough. Before you do anything, dream anything, even open your eyes – you are enough just as you are.
  3. Explore and define what you feel like success is to you and “all” that you actually need to do. Some might call this prioritizing. I call it being real with yourself. Also, a future post will take a deep dive look at prioritizing things. This is to set your personal benchmark and realistic bandwidth.

Now, before you get upset with me for click-baiting you, give me some credit. Yes, we are starting with the mental preparation. But I promise I’m going to share those tasky tips, too. Stay tuned because we are going to have interviews with other creative-preneurs, mama-preneurs, and superwomen, in addition to my personal journey and tips. We are all in this together and were created to share our gifts. My hope is that this series will help all of us do just that.

We’ll be covering topics like productivity, workflows, automation, boundaries and so much more! Comment below or email me your specific questions and they will get answered in future posts.

xoxo, Jenn

  1. […] or being a stay-at-home mom? Whatever that looks like for you – own it. I recently wrote about mindset shift for how to “do it all” – a conversation that I believe needs to be shifted. In an effort to […]

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