
The last six weeks have been a whirlwind and it turned out that an unplanned blogging break is just what was needed. I’m so grateful to have been able to focus on our family, move and some really fun behind the scenes for HHE! I have been promising to share some of what has been […]

The HHE Core & Mission

Business, For Brides

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Being an entrepreneur is hard, no matter what you do and especially if you are a solo-preneur. However, there are ways to stay more organized to help you stay focused and efficient. Friends always ask me for tips, so today I’m sharing my top 5 tips. Get a management system: Friends, this is the BEST thing […]

Coffee Date: Staying Organized


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Do you ever get to the end of a quarter or month and wonder how you got there and how little things built up to a giant pile on your desk? How your to do list seems to have grown in the last week? We have all been there and it is no fun, I […]

Coffee Date: Duty Days & Why you need them!


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Wedding days for planners can get hectic, fast paced and before you know it, the bride and groom are now Mr. and Mrs., cake has been cut, dances danced and you still haven’t sat down since breakfast! Phew! Over the past few seasons, I have learned a few tips and essential items to have on hand […]

Coffee Date: Wedding Day Essentials


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How many times do you schedule yourself chock-full and then wonder why you do not have time to watch a movie or get coffee with a friend? Or heaven forbid you take a bubble bath or read a book! As entrepreneurs and often times, solo boss ladies (and gents), it can be difficult to know […]

Coffee Dates: How to know your limits


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