Happy Friday, Lovelies! I am so excited to bring back a series, with a fresh name and more fabulous vendor friends! The HHE Friends series will introduce you to some amazing and oh so talented vendors and resources in the area, as well as help you get to know them and what makes them tick! First […]
That’s right, YOU! I always have oodles of blog post ideas spinning in my head and scribbled on scratch paper, but I want to hear from you, my sweet readers. What do you want to read about? What inspiration are you looking for? What topics are you wondering about (business, wedding, personal)? I would really appreciate […]
It was my first creative conference. My heart was racing, my brain was on overdrive and I could not wait to get to Virginia. Friends, my expectations were blown out of the water and after two weeks, I am still struggling to find adequate words. This talker still hasn’t found a way to convey everything to […]
Today is our sweet Lindsay’s birthday!!! After spending the past few days with her and a wonderful group of other creatives, I cannot wait to see what this next year brings her! { via } Linds, I am so incredibly grateful for you! Your friendship and heart are so amazing and that doesn’t even take […]