des moines, iowa and beyond

workflow & systems strategist

How having workflows prepares you to hire a VA

Business, Systems & Workflows

When we get overwhelmed in business, you often hear people talk about outsourcing. The first outsourcing member we think about is a Virtual Assistant (VA). Someone to help you with the day to day admin. That sounds amazing and will be helpful, but before you do that, you need to understand how having workflows prepares you to hire a VA or outsource any of your work.

I’m 100% and advocate for outsourcing to support your work, but you CANNOT grow your team, even via outsourcing tasks, if you don’t have processes, workflows and systems in place.

That’d be like sending you on a safari with no map and wearing flip flops. Unprepared!

Ok, but what are the more specific ways that having workflows and systems in place prepare you to hire a VA or any team members?

Helps you have a written guide. 

Before you grow your team (in any capacity), you need to have a solid, organized foundation of workflows and systems. Not just have them, but document them.

You need to know the why, what and how of what you do so that you can properly train your new team members.

Makes training and on-boarding team members smoother. 

When you have the documentation, you’re able to use it as your training guide or as the basis. You’ll be able to more clearly communicate with your new team member(s) and easily delegate your tasks. By seeing it all in black and white, you can see what will be realistic as well. 

Maintain consistency.

This is key for client experience, efficiency and professionalism. Consistency in process, communication and experience for your clients regardless of who is executing the work as your team grows and evolves is a game changer. Without that, the wheels can fall off, expectations won’t be met and you may experience frustration on all sides.

 Once you have your processes, workflows and systems in place, you’ll be as prepared as you can be to make the time and financial investment in growing your team via outsourcing or hiring.

If you’re ready to get started refining and optimizing your business workflows and systems, make sure you get THIS FREEBIE to guide you along the way!


P.S. If you’re looking for people to outsource work to who are vetted, make sure you check out the Outsourcing With Love Directory!

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