
We hear about batch tasks a lot in the creative business space. I personally LOVE batching my work. It helps me be more productive and focus my attention on one area for a bit. In addition to time blocking, batching tasks is how I get things done efficiently! Today, I’m sharing the process I use […]

Extended Leave Prep: Batch Producing Content

Business, Systems & Workflows

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I’m always so interested to see how other people prepare for various things in business. Maternity leave is no exception. I’ve seen so many people preparing for sabbaticals the past few years and my circle has had a lot of babes, so I thought it may be helpful to share how I’m preparing for a […]

How I’m preparing for a 4 month Maternity Leave

Business, Systems & Workflows

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Ever feel like you have too much on your plate? Feeling like there’s way to much to get it all done? You’re probably right. But guess what? It likely doesn’t all actually need to get done. There are focused and intentional ways to get done what truly needs to be accomplished with boundaries and a […]


Business, For Creatives, Systems & Workflows

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As entrepreneurs, we wear all the hats, right? So why on earth would you want to add another to-do to the list?! When it comes to workflow and systems audits, these are IMPORTANT y’all! Think of them as working out, but for your business.  I know it can seem like just another thing to add […]

Is it Time? How to know when to do a Workflow & Systems Audit

Business, Systems & Workflows

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We juggle a lot of things as entrepreneurs and it’s challenging to know what our next focus IN our business needs to be. How do you know if you need to diversify your offerings or if it’s time to invest in workflow & systems implementation? How do you even know if you need implementation or […]

How to know it’s Time to Invest in Workflow & Systems Implementation

Business, Systems & Workflows

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