des moines, iowa and beyond

workflow & systems strategist

Love in the ordinary


Everyday love.

Little ordinary moments every, single day are so full of love. I bet you fell in love with each other based on accumulated gestures of thoughtfulness, having fun together and conversations. A smile, sweet note, letting you choose the movie, sharing a piece of cake or making a cup of coffee. Those things don’t cost money or go away. They might require some effort, but isn’t it a joy to make someone feel special?

For me, it’s when AJP turns the space heater on or warms up my car. When he does the dishes, asks how my day was and makes me laugh. When my parents text me just to say hi. When I talk to my MawMaw and she says something encouraging. When I hear from a friend I haven’t seen in a while. Or a favorite, when I can make someone else smile!

Life is far from perfect and that ‘in love’ feeling can dissipate over time. I am not saying this to discourage you, but to encourage you to focus on the everyday moments in your relationships. When we look back on our lives, those repetitive, inside jokes or precious times together are what we will recall. Some of the larger trips, yes. However, I bet you remember an activity or ritual you created together in a place more than the grand gesture or price tag of the location. There is so much beauty and wonder in everyday love.

everyday love

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Marriage, friendships, families – these precious relationships are all built upon respect and love. Love for each other, community, the world we live in. This is a concept that I have been much more attune to lately and I see it everywhere. Have you ever seen the movie Love, Actually? The love everywhere, when you look, is so abundant, heart-warming and encouraging.

We get so caught up in the glorification of busy these days and our to do lists. Right? When was the last time you took some time for yourself or called that person you’ve been thinking about? In praying about and thinking on my word of the year, it is becoming ever more clear that the basis for all of the cultivation and truly living life is the love and people you surround yourself with.

Choosing love, happiness and positivity is hard sometimes, lovelies. It really is. However, would you have it any other way? There is nothing that fills your tank quite like belly laughs over a cup of coffee or spilling Oreo crust all over your kitchen at 10:30 at night with your sister in law. Those moments, that joy. That is what it’s all about.

This post doesn’t so much have a grand lesson or major point. It’s just been on my heart to spread the love and make my life about the people and relationships in it. Let this serve as a reminder to us today, lovely, that around every corner is an opportunity, a choice, to love and be loved. You are already so very loved!

xoxo, Jenn

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