des moines, iowa and beyond

workflow & systems strategist

November Goals: Simplicity & Focus


The past few months have been a big season of change for us as a family and for HHE. We are still figuring things out and finding a normal routine, but things are falling into place. Last month was so full and crazy that I didn’t take the time to do any normal review or goal setting. It feels so good to be back to something regular and focusing on the things that light my heart on fire. This transition is far from over, but this month I am keeping it simple and intentional with goals centered on planning ahead and family.


With the holidays upon us (where did the year go!?), we have family visiting and a lot to do to spread the holiday cheer to those near and far. Amidst that, we will be moving into our new apartment and getting that pulled together, too. Oh yeah, and there is still a lot in the works to relaunch HHE in Texas!

Pfew! Amidst all of those wonderful happenings, November is all about simplifying where I can and being uber focused to finish out 2015 stronger than ever! So, here’s the deal – 3 main things will be on the docket.

  1. Quiet time – with the Lord, myself and Adam. Finding those in between moment to relax and cherish the good stuff is always important.
  2. Plan ahead – whether it is related to HHE, our move or holiday fun, a well laid and executed plan makes for light work and efficiency. Yeah!
  3. Prioritized focus – I don’t know about you, loves, but my brain moves a mile a minute and is always dreaming up the next big thing. I am ready to slow down, be super intentional and knock out my top 5 by the end of the year, both personally and business wise.

As always, I would love to hear what your goals are and encourage you through the month. Leave a comment below or feel free to send an email. Let’s make awesome things happen as we glide into the end of 2015, lovelies!

xoxo, Jenn

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