des moines, iowa and beyond

workflow & systems strategist

4 Simple Steps for Starting Big Projects in Business

Business, For Creatives, Systems & Workflows

We creatives dream BIG. That means, with each new idea is a project. Every single time I map out one of these projects – whether it’s for me or a client – I always use these 4 simple steps for starting big projects in business.

When we creatives get our next big idea, I find that we fall into one of two camps. We either race after it with all we have and start immediately, or we get overwhelmed by the magnitude and have no idea where to start. Each of these have their pros and cons. I’ve been in each at many points over the last 12 years in business. Another thing to consider is whether it is the right time to bring that idea to fruition.

Some things to think through and evaluate include, but aren’t limited to:

  • How much is already on your plate? Do you have bandwidth to add this in now?
  • Do you have the financial means to do this now?
  • Is this the best time for your target market to receive what you’re working on?

Once I decide that it’s the right time to dive in, it’s time to map it out. I’ve discovered that pausing to get a plan in place always sets me up for success. Below are the 4 simple steps for starting big projects in business that I use every, single time.

  1. Brain dump: I start all of my planning (of any kind) with a blank sheet of paper or blank screen. Get it all out, then you can make sense of it and formulate your plan.
  2. Categorize: Decide what categories or sections of your project you’ll have so you can sort the brain dump tasks and notes. 
  3. Look at your calendar & schedule tasks: here’s the kicker – if we don’t schedule it to get accomplished, it’ll just be a plan that sits there. Figure out your deadline and work backward. You can take 2 approaches to the scheduling: 
    • Eat the Frog: Do the big, scary, more time consuming things first to get them out of the way
    • Low Hanging Fruit: Get the little things out of the way so you feel like you’re making progress and can do it in small increments.
  4. Work the plan: Make sure you commit to executing the plan you have in place. 

The blog posts below are also written through an extended leave lens, but the principles apply to any type of large project planning approach. Be sure to check them out!

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