We’ve been talking a lot about routine and rhythms in biz lately. It’s not a coincidence. This might sound cliche coming from me – type A systems gal – but it’s so important. To use your time wisely and feel accomplished at the end of the day, we need to know how to use workflows and systems as part of your daily routine.
Tips for using your workflows & systems to create a daily routine in business
There are a handful of things that I always recommend my clients incorporate into their systems. When you are taking the time to map out what your ideal work day, week and year look like, YOU get to decide. So it’s only natural that you’d want to set yourself up for success by integrating small, incremental time and business management tools and routines.
The simplest way to do this is to make them part of your workflows (tasks). Then, take it a step further to automate and simplify as much as possible using your systems. I know that can feel overwhelming when we all have the “shoulds” in mind and want to get to the part where we have it done. You’re not alone.
I’m going to break this down into two parts, each with practical steps you can take. Before you can get into the routine part, you need to lay the foundation and outline what needs to happen. Then you can take that outline and implement a repeatable plan using your systems. Add those two together, and you’ll definitely feel accomplished in your daily routine!
Here are the first few steps to get started establishing your routines:
- Decide what needs to happen. The idea is that whatever it looks like for you, your tasks that need to happen often become either automated or second nature to you. If you’re touching it, make it part of a regular routine that you can realistically do and maintain. Little steps add up and it’s a lot faster to do something in shorter, more frequent sessions when it makes sense to do so.
- Define the when. What is the frequency of the tasks you just listed out?
- Build it in & schedule it. Whether this is automations or you add a step to your workflow so you never skip the execution, it needs to be documented and integrated into your workflows and systems. If you don’t do that, it won’t get done consistently.
- Create a routine. Sounds obvious, but if you aren’t in the rhythm and routine of doing something, this can take time to adjust to. Don’t fall into the mindset that this isn’t important to adjust to. Prioritize your new tasks and rhythm so they become the norm.
Now that you have created the structured outline, these are the primary areas I recommend you to focus on when starting to use workflows and systems as part of your routine:
- Establish Duty Days. These can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, and/or annual workflows for your business. These are super important to give yourself the opportunity for incremental progress. These are also important for those rare items that need to happen quarterly or annually so you don’t forget them.
- Make workflow review part of your quarterly duties
- Consolidate your task list. Use a daily task list that encompasses client projects AND business tasks. I call this your business hub and it’s a game changer to have everything in one place.
- Utilize a Parking Lot & reminders document. Create a task or document where you can add ideas for a future date and keep a running list of things that need adjusting in your workflows. This ensures nothing is lost, but frees your mental space for the tasks at hand now. Then you can review and schedule those things during your quarterly and annual business planning.
- Prep for the next day before you close up so you start the day with clear expectations and tasks to do. Do the same at the end of each week. For more details, check out this blog post.
Having systems and routines in place to feel accomplished at the end of the day is so important. We have so much going on, that without it, you may find yourself with too many plates to juggle and find some end up breaking. What other tips or inclusions have you found helpful to include in your routines?
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