
Do you ever think of audit as a scary word? Does it make you feel overwhelmed? Do you know what a workflow and systems audit is? I’m here to answer those questions and share some actionable steps for you to evaluate your business system, friend. Let’s take it one step at a time. What is […]

How To Do A Systems Audit

Business, Systems & Workflows

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Y’all know that I swear by systems, workflows and checklists. I’m an Enneagram Type 1 to a tee and hello – I built my business around these things! That’s why I was so honored and excited to contribute to this month’s Systems & Workflows conversation with the Rising Tide Society. If you’re not already aware, […]

How Workflows Save You Time & Prepare Your Business For Growth: Rising Tide Society

Business, Systems & Workflows

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We talk a lot about automating tasks. You know, those items that don’t require active brain power or a line on your personal to-do list everyday! Identifying the tasks that a tool can do for you instead of the high touch tasks that only you can do is the name of the efficiency game. So […]

How to Identify Your High Touch Tasks & What You Can Automate


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What Your Business System Should Do For You

According to Webster’s Dictionary, a System is “a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network.”; “a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method.” When we put that in the context of our businesses, that means that a system is […]

What is a Business System & How to Create One for You


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Pricing and money. One of our favorite topics as entrepreneurs, right? Though not the most riveting conversation, it’s an important one. So often clients ask me if they will truly see an ROI on their investment in systems. Especially if they are adding a monthly or annual expense to their budget. My answer is always […]

Increasing Your Bottom Line with Workflows & Systems


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