Happy Summer loves! Oh my goodness, can you believe we are almost halfway through the year? As the warmer weather and longer days set in, many of us are navigating the intersection of wanting to slow down and savor and heading into a busy season! Over the years, I have found a few things that really help me be present in both my life and work during busy seasons.
We have a lot going on in a normal season, but when you add in appointments, weddings, more client work and kids being home; not to mention the fact that you want to enjoy the summer, things can get a bit chaotic! So how do you slow down and grab a hold of those fleeting, wonderful moments amidst the busy?
Don’t feel like you need to do it all or plan out your whole summer. Life happens and things are likely to change. Instead, create a rhythm of sitting down each Sunday or Monday and looking at what is ahead that week. Look not only at your calendar but grocery and meal plans, This will allow you to make sure any appropriate outing bags are packed (missing swim diapers, anyone?), snacks are stocked, laundry is done and you’ll know what each day holds (as much as possible).
While you’re planning ahead, be sure to leave intentional white space for family fun or simply relaxing with no agenda. In our often overscheduled lives, this is the best way I’ve found to feel refreshed!
This is a tough one! I 100% get it. We all want to be Super Woman and do all the things all the time. You are Super Woman, but you can’t do all the things well. In order to get the priority tasks done and then move on to the other things you want to slow down and be present for, you have to cut down to the absolute essentials. There are a lot of things we self-impose as ‘must dos’. Think about it, when was the last time that you got a paying client from Instagram, Pinterest, your blog posts, going to a networking event, etc? If you don’t have an affirmative answer for some of those, consider not focusing on it right now. If it doesn’t have a direct return for you, press pause and focus on the things that do.
Even if it’s only fifteen minutes, start and end your day with some time for yourself. This can be a quick workout, Bible/prayer time, sitting in silence with your cup of coffee, journaling, a dance party or whatever brings you joy and peace. I’m not perfect in this by any means, but the days that I do this, I find that it makes a world of a difference in my outlook and sleep. Taking those few minutes to be still and quiet helps me recenter. Regardless of what the day brings, it starts and ends the same.
What are other things that have helped you focus on the things that matter and be present during busy seasons? Sound off below or send me an email. Let’s all learn together how to savor these precious seasons and moments in life we won’t get back!
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